Make Way for Youth Podcast



The Make Way for Youth podcast is a youth-led podcast that brings to the fore conversations on sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) in sub-Saharan Africa. With co-hosts Warindi, Vilda and Bertha, the series dives into an array of SRHR related topics, including meaningful youth participation, disability justice and intersectionality. With SRHR under threat around the world, this podcast offers a space to break taboos, normalize conversations on SRHR and provide inspiring stories into the work of SRHR youth advocates, religious leaders, policymakers and civil society actors!


Episode 1: Get to know the co-hosts!

We are excited to launch the Make Way for Youth podcast! Our first episode introduces the podcast’s co-hosts, Bertha, Vilda, and Warindi. The co-hosts share their work in intersectional sexual and reproductive health and rights advocacy, stories on what empowered them to be young SRHR advocates and tease upcoming episodes.

Listen to the first episode here on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, YouTube and more.


Episode 2: Leave no one behind part I

In episode two, we are joined by guest Steven Jethro Phiri, programme officer at the Zambia Federation of Disability Organisations (ZAFOD). Together, we discuss the importance of applying intersectionality to advocacy and programming work to ensure everyone can realize their sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR).

Listen to the second episode here on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, YouTube and more.


Episode 3: Leave no one behind part II

In episode three, we continue the conversation from episode two to discuss the key strengths and challenges when implementing intersectionality into SRHR advocacy and programming work, as well as the role that youth can play in applying intersectionality. We are joined by returning guest Steven Jethro Phiri, programme officer at the Zambia Federation of Disability Organisations (ZAFOD).

Listen to the third episode here on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, YouTube and more.


Make Way for Youth podcast - Episode 4 - Life in adundance

Episode 4: Life in abundance

In episode four, we speak with Reverend Godfrey Adera, a priest and theologian ordained in the Anglican Church of Kenya, and currently a programme assistant for the Make Way Programme at The Circle of Concerned Women Theologians. Together, we explore the role of religion in sexual and reproductive health and rights, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa, and discuss how religious texts can be interpreted in light of people’s lived experiences.

Listen to the fourth episode here on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, YouTube and more.


Episode 5: Nothing for us, without us!

In episode five, we are joined by Wanjiku S. Thiga, a young aspiring politician and mobilizer, and Shillah Ukumbini Salim, Cabinet Secretary for Health in Kilifi County Youth Assembly. Together, we reflect on the recent youth-led #RejectFinanceBill 2024 protests in Kenya and the importance of youth advocating for their rights. We also speak about how to be safe online as advocates, as well as sustainable development for health in a shrinking civil society space in Africa.

Listen to the fifth episode on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, YouTube and more.


Episode 6: Power to youth

For this episode, we are joined by three special guests for an intergenerational dialogue on meaningful youth participation: Chris Matagaro, Founder and Executive Director of Black Coffee Network (BCN), Emmanuel Barare, Make Way youth representative and Myria Koutsoumpa, Make Way regional and global coordinator. Together, we discuss the different ways that meaningful youth participation can be achieved through funding, capacity building and opportunities for advocacy.

Listen to the sixth episode on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, YouTube and more.


Episode 7: African Disability Protocol

Have you heard about the African Disability Protocol? Tune into episode seven with experts, Irene Ngolo from Cheshire Disability Services Kenya and Daphne Visser from Liliane Fonds, to learn all about the Protocol and why its ratification is important, especially for persons with disabilities. You will also learn about the different cultural perspectives and stigma facing persons with disabilities in Africa and actionable ways to support the disability justice movement.

Listen to the seventh episode on Spotify, YouTube, Apple Podcasts and more.


Introducing the co-hosts

Elizabeth Warindi

Warindi is a storyteller, and a passionate advocate for gender equality and reproductive justice in Africa. She is a regional and global youth panel member in the Make Way Programme, where she uses storytelling for advocacy strategies to ensure the voices of youth, women and girls are heard in advocacy for sexual and reproductive health and rights. Warindi holds a Bachelor’s of Science degree in International Business Administration (Finance) from the United States International University. As a storyteller, Warindi is a podcaster who was formerly the host of the ‘Chini Ya Mbuyu Podcast’ by Akili Dada, and the ‘Women in Leadership’ Podcast series by Women Win. She is also a co-host and the producer of the ‘Make Way for Youth Podcast’.


Bertha Chulu

Bertha is an award-winning adolescent health activist from Zambia. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Science with education and is pursuing a Master’s in Public Health in Population Studies and Global Health. Bertha has championed education and sexual and reproductive health and rights, focusing on reducing child marriages and teenage pregnancies. As a youth panel member for the Make Way programme, she provides perspectives of young people in the programme. Bertha is dedicated to enhancing the well-being of young women and girls across the globe and is keen on meaningful engagement of young people in all processes of development!


Vilda Atieno

Vilda is a disability rights youth activist. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Social Work. With passion and professionalism, Vilda is actively  involved in community advocacy on matters regarding sexual and reproductive health and rights, particularly of youth with compounded vulnerabilities. As a youth panel member for Make Way, she brings an  intersectional perspective of young people in the programme. She is keen on the growth of young people, thus embraces the solidarity and mentorship approach to enhance the wellbeing of young people across the globe.

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