Recommended reading

The cost of austerity: Wemos’ study assesses the impact of the IMF programme in Zambia


Information, Resources, Case study, Recommended reading

Austerity measures imposed under the IMF's loan programme in Zambia have exacerbated economic inequalities and worsened access to healthcare for the population, especially affecting people already in vulnerable situations.

Intersectional Feminist Policy-Making for EU External Action: 10 principles


Recommended reading

Inspired by existing feminist foreign policy frameworks and the thinking by feminists in the Majority World CONCORD has adapted 10 principles that should underpin an intersectional feminist foreign policy, tailored to the EU’s external action.

Pride in Knowledge: Pride 2024 Resource Booklet


Resources, Recommended reading

To empower and support advocacy and activism by and for the queer community globally, ShareNet Netherlands published a resource booklet with articles, toolkits, grassroots organisations, art and interactive maps.

Eteeka Lyayita Vol.2. Outlawed, unwanted and illegal: The cry of LGBTIQ+ Ugandans


Resources, Recommended reading

This report documents the increase in human rights violations of LGBTIQ+ persons and their stories after the passage of the Anti-Homosexuality Act in Uganda.

Religious Leaders as Agents of Lgbtiq Inclusion in East Africa


Resources, Recommended reading

This briefing focuses on the possibility that local religious leaders can be, and in fact already are, emerging as the ‘unlikely allies’ of LGBTIQ activists and communities on the continent.

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