We are calling on policymakers to use an intersectional approach to ensure sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) for all!

Everyone needs access to healthcare, including SRHR. Yet, many people are left behind because of, for instance, their gender, sexuality, financial situation and social status. In this campaign, we share the stories of trailblazers who are paving the way in SRHR by using an intersectional approach. So that those who are often excluded when it comes to policies, services and information can finally be seen (#SeeMe).

We talked with youth, journalists, religious leaders and civil society to hear about their perspectives on intersectionality and how it helps them to realise SRHR for everyone. Read the below interviews to find out what they have to say.

Embracing an intersectional approach

Intersectionality helps us understand how systemic barriers and different aspects of a person's identity, such as gender, race, and class, overlap and interact with each other, creating discrimination or privilege. These insights can help ensure that policies, services and more are adaptive and aligned sufficiently with people's health needs and lived realities. Take a look at our infographic and video for more information.

Do you want to ensure no one is left behind? Use our intersectional toolkit.

The Make Way SRHR toolkit offers practical guides to improve the capacity, skills and knowledge in your organisation. It enables you to undertake game-changing intersectional lobby and advocacy to influence policy and improve people’s access to SRHR services and information.

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